Saturday, January 14, 2023

How can we get more YouTube subscribers?

Succeeding on YouTube:

12 Ways to Increase Your Channel's Subscribers and Views

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world. More than two billion people use it each month, which is a third of all Internet users. People watch over a billion hours of video on this platform every day. 74% of adults watch videos regularly on YouTube, which is impressive.

Now that you know how much YouTube is used, you are probably wondering if it is still possible to get your place on this platform to attract subscribers and views.

Video content remains the best way to convey a message and improve your notoriety on the web. Marketers predict this will increase in 2022 and beyond. So now is the time to focus on learning strategies and ways to use this platform for content marketing and increase your subscribers, views, and user engagements. How to increase awareness of your business, attract more subscribers and views on YouTube? Buying followers is one of the solutions to consider.

12 Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers and Views

There are over 2 billion active users logged into YouTube every month. Developing a channel thus seems difficult when you realize how many creators there are on YouTube. That being the case, there is always a place for those who want to publish quality content. Since it can be difficult to get more subscribers, especially when you are new to the platform, know that there are concrete ways to get more subscribers and views on YouTube.


  • 12 Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers and Views
    • 1. Tidy up your YouTube channel
    • 2. Only create relevant content with value
    • 3. Create a trailer for your YouTube channel
    • 4. Turn a set of videos into a playlist
    • 5. Add CTAs to your videos
    • 6. Create Custom Thumbnails
    • 7. Post often and regularly
    • 8. Invest in YouTube advertising
    • 9. Promote your channel to relevant online communities
    • 10. Get people to subscribe to your channel
    • 11. Optimize your YouTube channel for organic search (SEO)
  • Why use YouTube as part of your marketing strategy?
  • Simple and effective ways to increase your YouTube subscribers and views
    • 1. Be consistent
    • 2. Have a Channel Trailer
    • 3. Engage with your community
    • 4. Contact professionals
  • Best Practices for Getting YouTube Subscribers and Views
    • Work on your YouTube SEO
    • Keep Videos Short
    • Share your videos in other communities
  • Tactics to increase visitor engagement
    • Encourage likes, shares and comments
    • Call to action
    • Add info cards to your videos (YouTube, cards)
    • Use YouTube Analytics
    • Tips for YouTube Beginners
      • Create a brand account 9
      • Work on your identity
      • Provide quality video and sound
    • Conclusion

1. Tidy up your YouTube channel

No internet user will be impressed if your YouTube channel is messy. Before you focus on increasing your subscriber count, you need to make sure your channel is presentable. That means adding a great trailer, thumbnail, name, removing low quality videos, creating playlists, and more.

If you don't know where to start or what to do, just start with the basics. Delete any videos that are too old, no longer represent your brand or opinions, are of low quality, are not fact-based, or do not add value to your audience or future audience.

2. Only create relevant content with value

The content you post should bring you YouTube views, likes, subscribers, and comments. If you want to stand out from the competition, you need to shoot fun and engaging videos about topics people want to see.

Try to be creative by posting original content. If you produce content about things that thousands of other Youtubers have already done without added value, it will be even more difficult for you to rank high in search results, and your videos will be less suggested by YouTube.

You can visit the profiles of your favorite Youtubers who are in the same niche as you, and get inspiration from the topics or see what is missing. Another way to find out what's relevant is to ask your YouTube subscribers, or your subscribers on other platforms, what they want to see.

3. Create a trailer for your YouTube channel

A captivating trailer is a half-done job. A good video trailer will do the same job as a fantastic movie trailer. This can attract more visitors to your channel page, encourage them to subscribe and watch your videos. When people see the professionalism of your trailer, they'll wonder what more you have to offer. The trailer should generally be very short , between 30 seconds and a minute. It's a way to inform potential subscribers about your channel, your content, and as such it should include a CTA (call to action).

4. Turn a set of videos into a playlist

YouTube users love when videos are organized into playlists. Creating playlists will only take you a few minutes, but your watch time will be on a whole new level. Each playlist should have a theme and be made up of videos that match the theme. YouTube is also more likely to suggest lists than individual videos.

5. Add CTAs to your videos

The call to action can have a real impact on your numbers. People often forget to subscribe, like and watch more videos unless reminded. This is precisely what you will be doing if you add CTAs to your content. This can be a short callback anywhere in the video, CTA buttons, or added links to other of your videos.

Even the biggest Youtubers let their subscribers know how much work and love they put into their video content, and how they would appreciate it if visitors subscribed, liked and commented on their content.

6. Create Custom Thumbnails

Create a thumbnail for each video you post. You shouldn't select a random thumbnail for the video; instead, you should spend some time creating thumbnails to entice visitors to press play. There are many free programs online that will help you create custom thumbnail images even if you are new to this.

7. Post often and regularly

Posting once in a while and randomly will not be enough. We must do better and establish a publication calendar. You don't have to overwhelm your subscribers with content, but you don't want them to forget you either. Start by posting at least one video every week, and then you can increase the posts to several times a week.

8. Invest in YouTube advertising

Quality video marketing means you have to spend money to earn more. One of the easiest ways to promote your channel and content is through paid ads. All you have to do is choose the type of ads you want to add to the videos, and you'll reach potential subscribers. You can create a target group using information from YouTube Analytics about the age, gender, location and interests of your subscribers and visitors.

9. Promote your channel to relevant online communities

Let other online communities know that your channel is live! If you are a member of Facebook groups, Twitter chats, Reddit, you need to let everyone know about your latest videos. The more people you tell, the more potential subscribers you will have. Remind them to subscribe, like and comment if they like what they see.

Cross-promotion on other social platforms is also essential. For example, you can add links to your videos on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter, blog posts, etc.

10. Get people to subscribe to your channel

Run contests or add perks to entice visitors to subscribe to your channel. Gifts work especially well! Many notice an increase in their engagement and watch time after posting contests and giveaways.

A fun trick is to ask a question at the start of the video and tell your followers that whoever knows the answer (which you'll reveal later in the video) must comment and can win a prize. This will dramatically increase watch time and help your subscribers see how great your content is. Another thing to do if you want to gain more subscribers is to let your viewers know that only subscribers can enter the next contest.

11. Optimize your YouTube channel for organic search (SEO)

If you want your YouTube channel and content to appear at the top of search results , you need to learn about YouTube search engine optimization. This is a step that many video creators forget or ignore. This platform uses keywords, so the more you know about them, the better your performance will be. When researching possible topics for your videos, you should first research keywords that are likely to perform well. Most Youtubers use an online tool to get the information they are looking for.

Next, don't forget to write a description and a title for each video, which will also include the keywords. The brilliant idea is to add a transcript to the content you post, as it includes words and gives you a better chance of ranking well. Finally, optimize meta tags with some of the main keywords you used in video titles and descriptions.

Following these 12 tips seems easy, but great content takes time and experience.

Getting a reasonable number of subscribers when you start out can be hard to achieve easily. If you want to increase your number of subscribers and see your YouTube channel grow faster, you may need to opt for buying subscribers . Several agencies offer this service to increase its notoriety by buying YouTube subscribers , however, it is necessary to choose agencies offering serious services and real subscribers .

Why use YouTube as part of your marketing strategy?

If you haven't jumped on the YouTube bandwagon, it's time to rethink your decision. This platform can and should be part of your video marketing strategy for many reasons.

  • YouTube is the second most visited website in the world,
  • YouTube is also the second most used social media platform in the world,
  • the average viewing time of YouTube users over the age of 18 is 41.9 minutes per day. This means that users spend nearly 5 hours watching YouTube videos per week , and about 255 hours per year.
  • video content is becoming increasingly popular among users and is a great way to reach new groups of visitors,
  • this platform is a fantastic opportunity for you to engage a large audience, promote your business and tell your story,
  • it's a free promotion service that will help you build trust within your community,
  • using YouTube will help you rank higher on Google because Google owns YouTube.

Now let's look at some of the most effective ways to increase subscribers to your channel, increase views, engage audiences more, and top tips for beginners on YouTube.

Simple and effective ways to increase your YouTube subscribers and views:

1. Be consistent

Posting regularly will definitely bring you more subscribers. You should stick to a schedule and start by posting once a week. The next step is to increase the number of videos per week and post three to four times if possible. The more videos you post, the more your watch time will increase .

One of the main disadvantages of consistency is that your videos may lack quality. It's quite tiring to constantly create new content, so sometimes you run out of inspiration and cinematic content just because your viewers are waiting for it.

The key is to focus on quality before quantity. You need to be consistent with the theme and quality of your videos, but if you don't have time to create engaging content, let your followers know that you are working on other videos that will be released soon.

2. Have a Channel Trailer

Once you've launched a channel , it's time to create a trailer. This is the first video your viewers will see when they visit the channel. It should be short, and give an overview of your business and what to expect. When visitors see this trailer, they will know that you are a credible and serious company that they can trust.

The downside of creating a trailer is that it will take you time because it needs to be quality content with high-quality video, sound, and lighting. But, it will definitely bring new subscribers.

3. Engage with your community

Audience retention is another key metric. It is crucial that you are close to your community and engage as much as possible. For example, be sure to respond to their comments and celebrate milestones with them.

Another smart tip is to speak directly to your audience. Thank your visitors for supporting your videos, thank them for watching, and they'll be more than happy to subscribe. These followers will soon be able to bring in new ones simply because they appreciate your authenticity and how much you appreciate them.

4. Contact professionals

If you've reached a point where you don't know how to proceed and your numbers aren't growing, you can turn to professionals who know exactly what they're doing. Of course it requires a budget, but it can be worth it if you are out of breath. You will have a team of qualified professionals who can help you gain organic subscribers who are genuinely interested in your niche. You will have a dedicated digital marketing team to work on your channel.

If you choose a good team, the benefits you will get are worth what you spend, so if you are having difficulty with YouTube marketing, turn to the professionals in the field who will be able to guide you and give you a solid foundation.

Best Practices for Getting YouTube Subscribers and Views

In addition to increasing your YouTube channel subscribers, you also need to deepen your knowledge to get more views and create content that provides value. These practices will help you increase the number of subscribers and increase your views.

Work on your YouTube SEO

Your YouTube videos should be optimized for search engines . Doing your keyword research is very essential, especially if you want to increase subscribers and increase the number of people watching your videos.

Good SEO will help you rank high in search engine results, which means the video will appear at the top of the list when people search for the topic you are covering.

Avoid covering very popular topics. If there are too many videos on the same topic, it will be harder for you to rank high even if you have researched the keywords. Keep a close eye on what people are looking for.

Keep Videos Short

A long video does not perform as well as shorter videos. People prefer short, precise and quality content that answers all their questions on the subject.

Shorter videos mean more watch time for you. This is an important metric that will entice your viewers to watch your videos more, increasing both your subscribers and your views. If people know you're posting content that answers their questions quickly and effectively, they're more likely to subscribe.

Keep the introduction short and punchy. Continue with the body of your content before ending with another that mentions your future content.

Share your videos in other communities

There's no reason why you shouldn't share your content in other communities related to your niche. Use other social media platforms to promote your content. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, forums, Quora, Reddit are great places to start.

The more people see your shares, the more likely they are to click, view and subscribe. You don't have to focus on groups of thousands; it's more important to target groups that are in your niche where your videos will actually add value.

Tactics to increase visitor engagement

Besides increasing your subscriber base, it is also essential to increase the engagement of your viewers. These tactics are a great way to get your audience to be more active and watch your videos more.

Encourage likes, shares and comments

One of the easiest and most natural ways to engage your viewers with your YouTube content is to encourage them to be more active. Likes, comments, shares are the three metrics you need to keep in mind when you want to motivate your followers to show they like your content.

It's a simple and effective tactic. All you have to do is remind your viewers to subscribe, like, share, and comment during the intro and end of every video you post. While commenting, liking, and sharing doesn't take too much effort or time, viewers do need that push before they engage.

Call to action

The call to action is a fairly simple trick to use for video marketing . There are plenty of CTAs that will get viewers to subscribe to your channel, increase views, and boost engagement.

You can add a CTA overlay to any video, it can be at the beginning of the video to increase your watch time, and suggest viewers watch another one of your videos. Use the CTA to encourage them to subscribe to your YouTube channel and other social media platforms, just add a CTA that takes them to your website.

Add info cards to your videos (YouTube, cards)

YouTube, cards (or info sheets in French ) are small interactive areas that appear while playing a video. You can use this feature to boost viewer engagement as you can easily direct the audience to another one of your videos. These info cards include a title, description and a small photo that will interest them more and encourage them to click on it. This feature can also direct your viewers to your channel, products, and other links. This is a recent YouTube feature that replaces annotations that were not clickable.

Use YouTube Analytics

Be sure to use the data provided by YouTube Analytics and browse the reports to determine how to increase engagement. You'll find free reports that will provide you with general insights, viewership, watch time, engagement, and revenue. Use them to your advantage and keep track of your success.

Even beginners can use this information to understand their target audience. Metrics that may be useful to you are viewer demographics (age, location, gender), traffic sources and their performance (channel page, blog posts, external websites YouTube search, YouTube ads), videos performance, screen time, audience retention, etc.

This information will give you direction on future content you should produce.

Tips for YouTube Beginners

YouTube's popularity isn't going away any time soon. That's why newbies are welcome to learn, create content and promote their business using this platform. If you're not sure what to do, these tips can be very helpful and a great place to start.

Create a brand account

You don't need a personal YouTube account if you're trying to promote a brand. Go for a pro account as it comes with some features and benefits that will prove very useful.

With a professional channel, you'll have access to YouTube analytics, which means you can track metrics on your video performance, audience, and more.

Work on your identity

If you want more people to subscribe to your channel, you need to show your personality, your brand story, and what sets you apart from your competition. Work on creating a recognizable and unique identity. Your YouTube channel should look professional, feature your logo, and an eye-catching banner photo that will remind people of your brand.

Provide quality video and sound

Needless to say, the video and audio quality is a must! However, we would like to remind you that viewers expect to see a clear image and hear a clear voice when watching a YouTube video. You don't have to own the most expensive camera, nowadays smartphones can also create fantastic videos. Make sure your image is stabilized and clear.


If you're wondering how to get YouTube subscribers , this article is a great way to learn and cover the basics. Yes, anyone can use this fantastic platform to grow, reach a large audience, promote their product and earn money.

It's time to recap some of the essential tips and practices you should know. In addition to posting quality content, you also need to be consistent with your posting schedule. Short videos perform much better than long content. To rank better with your videos, be sure to focus on YouTube SEO and search keywords. Contact professionals if you need a hand.

Both beginners and pros have a lot to learn, as YouTube's algorithm is constantly changing. There is no golden rule that will bring you instant success, however, if you do your research and focus on learning, your success is inevitable.

Last updated on May 6, 2022

Jamal El Khaiat, passionate about SEO (SEO) and Digital Marketing (digital). Holder of a master's degree in Information Technology (IT) management at Laval University (Canada). Jamal El Khaiat specializes in business intelligence (BI) and systems development as well as web visibility. Jamal El Khaiat has worked in several large private and public organizations, particularly in the field of data warehouses and data exploitation and also in the field of digital and SEO.

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